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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time, Time, Time,

Time is a funny thing, when you want something badly the time just drags along making each day seem like an eternity... On the flip side when there is something that you don't want say like wrinkles from aging, the time flies and before you know it you have crows feet marching across your face... At this time I wish I could speak directly to God and receive a clear picture of what we are in store for. Maybe just get a little insight as to a time line or something... ... In the mean time I have been making Thank You cards for our baby shower that will be some time in the future. We have decided to wait until we receive the LOI (letter of invitation) Then when we go over to Kazakhstan Mom will send out the invitations and the shower will be in between trips at that point we will know the babies sizes and such and it will break up the time so we have something to look forward to...

I have a question for anyone who has received their LOI or have adopted In Kaz lately Can you please tell me how long your Dossier was at the MOE? Ours has been there for a while and just wanted some comparasins...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our Children

Many years before ever knowing I was going to adopt I was always somewhat irritated or sensitive when people would refer to some one as the adopted child of so and so or the adopted parent of so and so. For example when the press refers to Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's children they say their adopted kids Connor and Isabella... You never hear them refer to baby Suri as the child who was given birth to naturally by Katie Holmes... I found this quote on a friends blog and thought it was wonderful and had to share it.

The following quote, credited to Rita Laws, PhD, The original post was about the word "own" in regard to having children.

Natural Child: Any child who is not artificial.

Real Parent: Any parent who is not imaginary.

Your Own Child: Any child who is not someone else's child.

Adopted Child: A natural child, with a real parent, who is all my own.

It is my hope that when people refer to our future children they refer to them simply as our children...

Its funny as I was typing that last sentence my heart welled with pride at the thought of Our Children... I so cant wait to hold you my beautiful gifts from God. Know that He is watching over you while we wait. I pray for you daily, nightly, and in between that He will keep you safe and calm any fears... I Love You and cant wait to call you my own...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Crazy Dream

Oh my gosh, last night I had the craziest dream ... I dreamt that out of no where, Tim brought home the baby. We didn't have to travel or anything he just walked in with her. The problem is that we didn't know what or how much to feed her. I was out of my head trying to figure out what to do. It was like no matter what I tried, I couldn't figure it out...We were a mess... ... Do you think that there might just be some underlying issues here...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Babies R Us

I had a wonderful day yesterday thanks to our beautiful, kind, funny, witty, intelligent, loving, Cousin Megan...
Megan and I spent the day together yesterday registering for our baby shower at Babies R Us and having lunch... Thank you so much Megan for your giving spirit, I would have been lost without you... ... I had such a good time with you learning about and seeing all the amazing things they make for babies. The jacuzzi baby bath was really something else. Yeah, that's right, they make jacuzzi bathtubs for babies.. How fun is that... ... I was happy to know they make almost everything in pink... Tim was happy I didn't buy everything that was pink, especially,the diaper bag... I enjoyed our lunch as well, I love a girl who's not afraid to order what she wants... I look forward to our next lunch date... Even more, I look forward to seeing you at the shower.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jack A*#

If you don't know us or have never been to our house I should tell you that we have a large back yard with a 6 foot fence. We didn't have any neighbors for a long time and now we have a nice family with three young kids of varying ages living next door. I like to go out and play with the "babies" I catch myself yelling at Bruiser, one of my four legged kids. Bruiser is an almost 2 year old 130+ LB Sweet yet very strong American Bulldog and loves to play rough with his very Special Brother Champ a 12 year old 86 LB Husky/Rott mix and our beautiful little girl almost two year old 19 LB Maltipoo and I find myself sometimes calling him a Jack A#* when he treats my baby like a toy... Then I think of the kids next door and pray they aren't out and didn't hear my ridiculous language...

So this year among our New Years resolutions one of the biggest is to give up cursing... Don't judge us too harshly, we are not completely foul mouthed. I would consider us to be mild, considerate, closet cursers. Usually only at home watching a football game. Or when we are having an impassioned "debate"... I am really good at debating and very passionate in doing so... Now that we are going to have little ones we do not want her first words to be Jack A@# or worse.... So from now on we will have to find intelligent alternatives to these useless words... So wish us some good luck damn it.... tee hee hee

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary

We proudly welcome you to our first blog post... ... First off, if you are a member of our family reading this I have to tell you in advance that in no way do I have the amazing writing ability or eloquence that Requelle has. I just didn't want you to expect too much... If your not a family member allow me to introduce us we are a married couple (14 years today) from Maryland in the process of adopting a baby or twins in Kazakhstan. At the moment our Dossier is at the MOE. So we are nearing the beginning of a whole new life. We can not wait!!!!

I was recently introduced to the blogs of some amazing people who are and have been so open in sharing their experiences in adopting in Kazakhstan and they have helped Tim and I so much so we thought maybe we could help someone else as well. We also wanted to have this to express what we are feeling and to share with our loved ones so they can keep track of where we are in this process.

Today is our Anniversary and as I was in the shower I thought how great would it be if we got the call today on what we already consider to be an awesome day. As I got out of the shower the phone was ringing the light was on showing Tim was on the phone so I went over to the caller ID and saw that it was our adoption agency. My jaw hit the floor and my belly filled with anticipation. I called down to Tim as he hung up the phone... ... No, it was not "the call" we had another piece of paperwork that had to be redone... My heart was momentarily broken... Then I remembered, it is all in God's timing... He is getting the perfect baby or hopefully babies ready for us... The call is coming and we will be parents soon. We just have to keep the faith...