We really had a crazy, fun, whirlwind of a weekend...
Friday we had the carpet replaced. While they were doing that I cooked, cleaned, and finished decorating for our niece Carley's 11th Birthday party. Then we went out to dinner with Tim's brother Ray, wife Row and our "niece" Little Leigha. Leigha was up visiting for the week and was leaving on Saturday so we wanted to get together with her one more time. I love you Little Leigha, hopefully you will be close to home soon.
Saturday woke up and finished the last minute stuff. Vacuumed the pool, vacuumed the house, set up the food and we were good to go. Had a good time just hanging out with the family. I love Carley so much. She is one special girl, she so appreciates everything that is done for her. Always asks if I need here help. Thanks me from the heart, and just likes to be with us. I think I mentioned at Christmas that she spends the night with us and we take her shopping every year for her birthday and Christmas. We just make it a day all about her. We will be doing that in a couple of weeks. We will be busy the next couple of weekends so, it will have to wait boo hoo, cant wait...
Then Sunday we met Tim's parents for lunch over at Harris's finally celebrating dad's Birthday. It was so nice and relaxing right on the water watching the boats/yachts come in. Eating my favorite foods. (seafood) Great conversation, good food, it doesn't get any better. Oh, did I mention the ice cream... tee hee hee... Then we leave to find an accident over the bridge. For those of you who don't know I am not real fond of crossing the Bay Bridge. I have gotten so much braver through the years. At one point I had to be laying in the back seat in order to get over it, then it was no talking, and now I pretty much grin and bear it. That being said I was not too pleased crawling over the bridge for about an hour... Did I mention a tractor trailer went over the side a week ago... Dad, you were worth the trip... I love you.
Today, my plan is to relax. I had planned on spending the day out in the pool but unfortunately its gray outside. So, instead, it may be a day of watching movies, napping, or reading. I am not making any plans just going with what ever I feel...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Love to Paint

So, as you can see I dropped and spilled this beautiful black paint all over my new craft room floor, wall, baseboards, and the hallway too... Could have done without that!!! I was almost finished the room. I am only waiting on some fabric to make a skirt for my desk then it was on to the big reveal... Now I have to paint the walls baseboards. I have the carpet people coming on Thursday so hopefully next week will be the big reveal but I don't know about that either because our dance card is full full full... This weekend on Saturday is our niece Carley's birthday party. We have it here every year so this week I will be busy getting everything together. I will be shopping and prepping food Friday then we have a dinner to go to that night. Saturday is the party then Sunday we are meeting Mom and Dad for lunch. I am going to sleep well Sunday night...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
One of those weeks
It has been one of those weeks... First off let me start by saying if you are pregnant, just had a baby, just adopted a baby, or anything remotely close I want to say do not feel guilty... I am beyond excited for you and your blessings... That being said, this week sucked. I am guessing it is because I have so many people that are or have had a baby recently. Tim was on the phone with our niece Julia and just said bye baby and I then started bawling. Just the way he said it was so cute and I thought, I am never going to hear him talk to our baby like that. I'm never going to be a mom. Why Lord, Why? I know I am on a journey and there will be painful times and I will get thorough them but some days I wish I could just sit down with God and have a nice chat. I might point out some flaws in his plans and He might point out some of my flaws but then again I am betting He would probably make things allot clearer then they are... I feel allot better but I definitely had some pity parties for myself. Luckily they ended quickly as I smile at all the blessings I have been given.
So today I did something crazy... I cut off my hair. I have had long hair for close to 20 years. I cut it off once or twice in that time only to grow it out. Today, I went in to get my highlights done and a trim and then out of the blue I just decided I wanted/needed a change told Kristy to cut it, she was so excited, she said do you want me to cut some so you cant change your mind? I said go for it, so she did... I love it.... I think it looks great. I called Tim and told him I cut my hair. He didn't believe me because I have said it a million times. He got home still not believing me and was shocked. Thankfully, he loved it too.... I will post a picture soon...
So today I did something crazy... I cut off my hair. I have had long hair for close to 20 years. I cut it off once or twice in that time only to grow it out. Today, I went in to get my highlights done and a trim and then out of the blue I just decided I wanted/needed a change told Kristy to cut it, she was so excited, she said do you want me to cut some so you cant change your mind? I said go for it, so she did... I love it.... I think it looks great. I called Tim and told him I cut my hair. He didn't believe me because I have said it a million times. He got home still not believing me and was shocked. Thankfully, he loved it too.... I will post a picture soon...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
looking good
Thanks for your prayers and concern... Just wanted to let you know that Zani ( pronounced zen eye) had more tests done everything looked normal so she was released with a clean bill of health. They see nothing to indicate future problems... Thank You Lord!!!
Gotta go paint a shelf... woo hoo...
Gotta go paint a shelf... woo hoo...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Prayer Request
Hey Friends just wanted to ask you guys for some prayers. Our Granddaughter (still sounds weird to say it in your 30's) 5 month old Zani fell and hit her head on Sunday. She went into a seizure, she was taken to the hospital by paramedics and spent the first night in ICU having tests run and for observation. Everything looked normal but they kept her for another night again just for observation. We haven't talked to Steven and Killa yet today but even though things look good could you just say some prayers that she will be have no future problems.... Could you also lift her parents up as they just moved up to Ohio (for school) on Saturday and have no family support structure.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Another Congratulations
Congratulations to Scott, Megan and Drew on the arrival of their baby boy Gavin William Crandell who was born July 22... I cant wait to meet you...
I wrote at the beginning of the year that I had gone to babies r us with Megan and that's when I found out she was early in her pregnancy. I have to admit I have been a bit self consumed and really haven't spoken to her in a while and hadn't heard anything from the family so I gave her a call to see how her pregnancy was going only to find out she had already had him.... I was in shock, no one told us, I am wondering if the family was watching out for me or if this was just an oversight... Oh well, just glad to hear that mother and baby are doing great... Seriously, Megan is one of those people who is so natural to be around, she is so open and easy to be with. She is exactly what you see and I love people like that. Megan if you are reading I love you, and wish you and the family so much love and happiness...
I wrote at the beginning of the year that I had gone to babies r us with Megan and that's when I found out she was early in her pregnancy. I have to admit I have been a bit self consumed and really haven't spoken to her in a while and hadn't heard anything from the family so I gave her a call to see how her pregnancy was going only to find out she had already had him.... I was in shock, no one told us, I am wondering if the family was watching out for me or if this was just an oversight... Oh well, just glad to hear that mother and baby are doing great... Seriously, Megan is one of those people who is so natural to be around, she is so open and easy to be with. She is exactly what you see and I love people like that. Megan if you are reading I love you, and wish you and the family so much love and happiness...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
God Bless The USA
I have a confession to make. I have never watched the opening ceremony for the Olympics. Last night we watched it for the first time and I felt like a wide eyed child with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. That was so awesome. I am that sentimental fool who cries whenever the National Anthem is sung. Every Super Bowl you will find me standing, hand over heart, with tears on my face as I thank God for letting me be born in this amazing country. I just watched Michael Phelps win his first Gold medal and it was awesome. He is a home town boy so we were definitely cheering here, and yes, I did cry...
I also cant help but watch out and cheer for Kazakhstan. Even though I didn't adopt from there I "know" so many families that were made a family because of that country so I cant help feel pride for this country.
I want to send out a Congratulations for my friends the Bilbro's, Chris, Gretchen, Serik, and Austin. Their third son, Asa was born yesterday... I wish you all many wonderful blessings!!!
I also cant help but watch out and cheer for Kazakhstan. Even though I didn't adopt from there I "know" so many families that were made a family because of that country so I cant help feel pride for this country.
I want to send out a Congratulations for my friends the Bilbro's, Chris, Gretchen, Serik, and Austin. Their third son, Asa was born yesterday... I wish you all many wonderful blessings!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My Room

So, now that we are staying here in Maryland I have been busy working on my new scrap booking room/office. I am soooo excited about it. I am telling you nothing pleases me more then redesigning a room. I thought I would be crying the whole time but no, it has been kind of therapeutic for me. It is looking less like a nursery every day. I have been painting furniture buying supplies and such. Today I have been wallpapering part of the room and I love it. I am doing a sort of shabby chic, french country style... I will put a picture up as soon as I am finished...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
So, I last left you with the people coming to see the house again. I believe I told you that we were giving them until Friday to make an offer. We got an offer on Tuesday afternoon... Remember, our house was off the market, they contacted us. We also put in a totally new top of the line AC/Heat pump after pricing and they had originally seen the house... drum roll please...... ....... They offered us $50,000 under our selling price. I think they were smoking crack... Honestly, we really already had the house at a low price. Needless to say we wrote back that we would not be counter offering and found their offer beyond insulting. If they would like to get it together and write us a serious offer we would listen... We never heard from them..
It just pisses me off that we had a party here Sunday that lasted until around 11:00 I got up and cleaned all day. All because two people felt like they wanted to play with us. Never mind that we are real live people who have real live feelings. We have to put our 3 dogs in the car. One of them is 13 and cant jump in anymore, its hot and on top of it I just found out that the girl had her 6th abortion with what could have been my baby... oooppps our baby... Sorry for the rant I just feel used.
Other then that, it is so nice to have some stability. Haven't had it in a while. Now I will continue working on my craft room/office. I love decorating so I will be in my element. I will post pictures when I am finished...
It just pisses me off that we had a party here Sunday that lasted until around 11:00 I got up and cleaned all day. All because two people felt like they wanted to play with us. Never mind that we are real live people who have real live feelings. We have to put our 3 dogs in the car. One of them is 13 and cant jump in anymore, its hot and on top of it I just found out that the girl had her 6th abortion with what could have been my baby... oooppps our baby... Sorry for the rant I just feel used.
Other then that, it is so nice to have some stability. Haven't had it in a while. Now I will continue working on my craft room/office. I love decorating so I will be in my element. I will post pictures when I am finished...
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