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Friday, April 18, 2008


I have a friend who has already adopted from Kazakhstan and is now adopting here in the states. They finished all their paperwork this month and found out this week that they have been matched and selected by a birthmom. Wow that was fast. They will be adopting two babies, one that is already born and one that is due this summer. Boy are they going to have their hands full, 3 babies all in diapers... woo hoo... I am very excited for them, they are great parents now and will really shine through with two more. Yet, I must be honest, I am slightly jealous as well. Not the deep seeded self indulgent kind. The oh it would have been nice if it were me kind.

I got off track there, my thoughts here are about friendship. What is the definition of friendship? I have this one friend who I talk to and see sporadically. Yet, I consider her my best friend. I know that she loves me and she knows I love her. When we talk its like we never missed a beat. Then there is the friend who is adopting, she has been a great support through this adoption process. I have never met her, yet I feel such a connection. Is it because we have gone through some of the same struggles? Is it because she never fails to connect with me and let me know she is there? I have family members that haven't said a word of support or otherwise about us stopping the adoption, Heck, I have family who don't remember what my blog address is... ( I have family that have been very supportive as well) Its amazing that perfect strangers have reached out to me with love and kindness. I have learned through this that it doesn't take too much to be a good friend. Really just reaching out letting someone know they are not alone and that they are being thought of. You don't have to be related or even have met, just reach out, because in the end we all want to know we are loved... ...


Gretchen said...

You made me cry. That is a beautiful post. I cherish your friendship as well. I hope you realize how much you helped me through this second adoption. (and it's not done yet)

I have to be honest, as I was writing the last few posts on my blog, I did think of you and several other families I know that are still waiting. It doesn't seem fair to me how I could complete a Kaz adoption and within a year have two more babies on top of that. I guess that's just the way the world works. I know families that began their process after we were in Kaz and followed us all the way and are still waiting. I hope everyone finds their end to this journey.

You are an amazing person to me. You have such strength. I realize this must be hard and I appreciate your support so much.

I have met so many amazing people through my blog and through our adoption. I can't imagine my life without these people now. We all share a wonderful bond that not many people can understand. It's hard when our own families cannot give us the support we want and need because they just don't get it. It's nice to have some friends that do. :)

Kim said...

I have that same friend. We were in Kaz together. In fact we are soon to be neighbors and I know just how you feel. There are friends that I see on a day to day basis that, while show some interest in our adoptions, really don't seem to "care." And we definitely have those same family members. It is very hard when the people you are closest with, the people that are supposed to be your "best" friends/family, only show a passing interest in adoption. I really don't know what I would have done without the support of our blogging community. Everyone that I have "met", and some I actually have, are irreplaceable.

(It is okay to be jealous)
