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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Time for a change

So sorry I haven't been writing lately. I have been wicked busy since getting home from Florida. I have power washed and stained the deck. Planted a bunch of flowers and mulched. The yard is looking beautiful. Stained the fence, the house is spotless and we finally cleaned the garage, that was a feat in itself...
Why you ask? We are ready to sell the house and move to Florida. We have wanted to be down there for years and have been thinking about it and talking about it forever, but we have just not been in a position to do it. We interviewed 3 real estate agents on Thursday and have picked one. She will be here tomorrow for us to sign a contract. Hopefully we will sell this house next weekend... tee hee hee... Please keep us in your prayers. I am so ready for a change.
God willing, will be moving to a town called Nokomis. It is right near Sarasota. We have even found the perfect neighborhood. Even better found the perfect home. If we sell our home quickly we wont miss out on that house. If we do miss out, thats okay, the right one will come about...


McMary said...

I hope that your trip to Florida was everything you needed at the time. I have thought of you often and hope you are doing well.
I am also waiting for my adoption to happen and still believe it will but there are times when I doubt that and start to think about what I will do if it doesn't happen--the wait is so long and thing keep changing in the International Adoption World so I feel like I have to be prepared for that. I admire your strength through this whole process.
Best of Luck selling your house. I look forward to reading your posts about the move.

Gretchen said...

Wow! That's exciting news. I wish you the best of luck. I have never moved far from home but always wanted to. I'm a bit jealous especially since you are moving to Florida! Can't wait to hear more about all of it. Good luck selling your house. :)

Matthew Ruley said...

Hey you're moving by us - okay around 2 hours from us. Congrats on your decision and I hope your house sells ASAP!