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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Climbing a Mountain

We are making great progress... We took lots of pictures this weekend and I went through all our pictures and found some good ones of the two of us. We got those together and all the questionnaires sent out today. Our Family Profile will be complete about three weeks after they get the check and our Home Study in about two weeks. At that point we will be active. Our contact (not sure of title) at the agency said that she thought there was a good chance of us getting picked rather quickly... I say No Problem...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Picture This

So, as I told you we are starting the domestic adoption process. We have filled out all the applications, questionnaires, likes, wants, and such and our paperwork is at our home study agency being reviewed. ... .... So all that is left is any work having to do with the home study which will probably be minimal... ... ...Then there are the dreaded pictures... I sent off all my favorite pictures with our dossier, do I have copies, of course not... I spent all day yesterday taking pictures of myself. I am telling you I took at least 100 pictures changing clothes and hair at least 3 times. I deleted all but 2, and even those will be deleted by the end of the day. Although, I did find out I have a good side so it wasn't a total waste of time... ... Now this weekend we will be taking pictures of the two of us, we will probably be exhausted from all the wardrobe changes, not to mention hair and makeup... ... We only need 3 of the two of us together... If they were to ask for pictures of the dogs, no problem, I could come up with about 200 of each of them and 200 with all of them, and 200 with two of them in about 10 seconds... Why cant they just pick us based on how happy and healthy our dogs are... That would be great...

God Bless you all and thanks for the love and support you send our way...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines XOXOXO

We have started the adoption process here in the states. We are not ending the Kazakh adoption at this point. We are just going to wait it out and see how this is all meant to play out... Its funny when the application came and I saw all that paperwork I just wanted to throw it in the trash and go adopt a new puppy... Oddly enough, Tim wasn't totally opposed...

Its interesting, All these months (13) I have writing a journal for and to our little girl from Kaz and I almost feel like I am abandoning her. I know its silly but when Tim originally told me he wanted to stop the International process my heart broke. I know it isn't true, we are not abandoning her, there are so many waiting families that there shouldn't be one child without parents...

Here in the states we cant choose which gender we want. So, I will have some changes to make in the nursery if we get a boy... We were so specific in wanting a girl, I am a girly girl so I would love someone to dress up and play with and I think Tim was looking forward to having a Daddys Girl...Now, I realize which ever gender we end up with it will just be a blessing from God either way... Although, I am still not giving up on twins, one of each... All things possible !!!

We wish you all a Loving, Romantic, Sweet, Kind, Happy Valentines day XOXOXO

Friday, February 8, 2008

New Door Opening

First off thanks for all the emails and comments I felt like I was being virtually hugged. What a blessing...

I spoke with our adoption coordinator on Wednesday and he really cleared up allot of things for me. I felt allot better after speaking with him. I also realize there is still an uphill battle but it is a battle I am willing to fight as long as we are led to.

We have made some decisions to make some decisions and part of this is we are not closing the door on Kazakhstan. We are just going to open some doors elsewhere. At this point we will be opening allot of doors like domestic adoption and are thinking about possibly moving to another country as well.

Its all in God's hands, we will be intently praying for his knowledge in this crazy thing called adoption... Thank You Lord for giving me a strong spirit...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Please Pray

Oh how we need prayer... We are in a really bad place right now with this adoption. Things are coming up lately and we cant help but think that God is trying to tell us something. Maybe we should close the door...Please pray that we have some clarity...