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Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Tim, Happy Birthday to you...

As you read, today is Tim's Birthday. For me a birthday is the most special day in a persons life. The day you were brought into this world how amazing... Bernie, thank you so much for giving birth to this amazing man. I am so glad God picked you to be his mom. He is a wonderful man and you are a wonderful mother. Thank you and Dad for a great day yesterday...
Every year we get together and go over the bridge and go to Harris's and get crabs. This year we got there and none of us wanted crabs. Luckily all their food is good so we shared a great meal. Then had some yummy ice cream while watching the boats go in and out and talking about our futures. It was a really great day...

Happy Birthday Tim, I love you and thank God for bringing you into this world and into my life.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Car Jacking?

I am not trying to be dramatic but the scariest thing happened today. Tim and I were out driving today and we had stopped at Walmart to pick up a map. We had to park a good distance away from the store. I was on the phone with my daddy so I stayed in the car. Being that we are in warm sunny Florida I of course had the car running. I noticed this guy lurking around checking out these two cars, looking inside them, he went over pretended to get a cart but didn't move it. Then noticed me in our car I was watching him like a hawk, he started walking toward the store then he started slinking over towards me reaching in his pocket like he had a gun. I quickly jumped over in the drivers seat and hauled butt out of there. I was shaking like a leaf when Tim came out of the store luckily only seconds later. Is that crazy or what..

The funny part is, I could barley reach the pedals. Tim is over 6' and I am barely 5'2'I looked like a little kid pretend driving in my parents car...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all of you beautiful, wonderful, giving mothers out there. It is my hope that today (and everyday) you are all loved, worshiped, and appreciated for all you do. Sit back and pick up your feet and let others take care of you...

To our very special Mom, we love you so very much and wish you were here with us... ... We look forward to getting together with you when we get home. Hopefully you feel our love from all the way down here. You are in our hearts always...

To my mother in heaven, this is my first mothers day without you I miss you and think of you every day. I pray you are at peace in Gods Loving Arms.

Monday, May 5, 2008


We arrived safely Saturday night... The weather forecast for the week is Sunny and highs around 85. Love It... We usually come down here in June so the pool water sometimes gets too warm. It is perfect right now. We spent yesterday pretty much in the car or shopping so we didn't get home until around 10:00 I came in put on my bathing suit, grabbed a noodle and got in the pool and relaxed. That was very nice. All while my husband installed a wireless router that we "needed" so that we weren't stuck on the desk in the bedroom ... I am sure his mom is getting a kick out of that.. Hi Mom, I missed you today out in the pool...

Now to my craziness, I am realizing just how many needs I have. Especially at night. I need a very dark room, no lights, and just the right sounds. At home I have tape over every little light in our room. Here, they don't believe in curtains, they have blinds but nothing else. Then there is the noise factor, at home I sleep with a sound machine to block the noises that come out of my husband. Let me digress and tell you about Saturday night. We started in the same bed around midnight, I turned out the lights only to realize I could read a book in that lighting. The street lights were right outside our window. The ceiling fan clanked so hard I thought it was going to fall off. Tim, of course, fell asleep upon head hitting pillow, snoring commenced 30 seconds later. I sat in bed for two hours completely frustrated literally watching him sleep. 2:00 A.M. get up go in another bedroom turn on TV watch for an hour or so then realize no remote for TV. Get up turn off TV. The ceiling fan in this room is awesome but blows the vertical blinds all around and is making allot of noise, scares me a little... Fall asleep around 5:30 only to have the sun blinding me around 7:00 A.M. Get up go to the other room fall deep asleep for a couple of hours... woo hoo... So, yesterday we went to Walmart bought some black sheets to put over windows. Went to three different stores looking for a sound machine finally found one at Walgreens... I almost kissed the girl behind the counter I was so excited. This was at 9:00 and our last store... Our room is almost perfect, but since we don't live here I am not willing to install a new ceiling fan...

So, in conclusion, I am realizing why God did not bring us to Kaz... It is because He knew I would be out of my mind in 3 days, much less 3+ weeks