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Friday, June 27, 2008

Home Front

On the Home Front, The family is still writing a contract they just need to get their house together to put on the market. The couple still have us in their top two but still feel no reason to jump.

Right from the beginning we knew it was a buyers market and thought we will leave it in Gods hands and if the house sell we will know it is meant to be. Here lies the dilemma,Now we are having second thoughts. When we put the house up we realized what a gem we have here. Lots of room and more importantly lots of PRIVACY! Which is important to both of us... ... Now here we have serious buyer we are beginning to wonder what we should do. Should I stay or should I go Now... We are wondering where this indecision is coming from, Is it because this is what we are used to and are just afraid of the huge change... Or is it because this is where we are truly meant to be. Any advice or thoughts are welcome...

Monday, June 23, 2008

America's Most Wanted


Check out this Americas Most wanted Story... This guy ran a fraudulent adoption agency and is now on Americas Most Wanted Criminals... What a piece of crap to prey on innocent people like that. My heart goes out to that couple and the countless others... I cant even imagine the pain they must be feeling... God Bless them... I pray for their peace in this situation...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

House Update

My agent just called to say she had spoken with the first couple and they have narrowed their choice between our home and another. They truly love our home and think it is priced right the only drawback is the yard. They travel allot and are worried about the upkeep of the yard. They are in no hurry and will make their decision in July... They would be our best buyer because they don't have anything to sell... ...
She is waiting to hear back from the other family we shall see... ... ...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Fathers day

Happy Belated Fathers day to all the great fathers out there. To my beautiful husband. You are a wonderful husband and father. Me and the kids greatly appreciate you and all the wonderful qualities you posses. We are so lucky to have you...

Our house is on the market and going well. If you would like to see it you can go to www.4555mountainroad.com Its so funny because now that it is on the market Tim is having second thoughts about selling it. When we see it online we fall in love with it all over again. We have only had 3 showings. A sweet couple came last Saturday and loved the house. I was almost certain they were going to write an offer but they were a bit trepidacious about mowing the yard... I personally love mowing the yard, Tim and I fight over who will mow. Then we had a family come on Tuesday and they as well loved the house. They came back on Friday for a second showing. They wanted to bring their oldest boy to check it out. Mom didn't want to make any decisions without every ones input. I thought that was sweet. I know my parents didn't consult with me when they wanted to move... I really do think we will be hearing from them but they have a house to put on the market so it may take some time... We have decided to keep this house on the market for six months (less if the showings slow down) and if we don't sell it we will take it off the market and make it everything we could ever want. Its all in Gods hands... We will end up where ever we are supposed to be...

Monday, June 9, 2008


My heart is healing and I am coming alive again. I was going through what was hopefully the roughest time of my life. There were days I didn't think I was going to make it. I now know that I was truly depressed. A feeling I didn't want to admit to at the time. I thank my husband and friends out there who supported me and helped me through this time. I thank God who held me even when I forgot that He was there. I tell you if you ever feel this way never be ashamed to ask for help. from friends, family, doctors, anyone who will listen. Its okay!!!

Its odd that many years ago I had to make a choice between babies and my husband. I wanted them he didn't. Then this time Tim again wanted to stop this adoption, I needed a break when he was done altogether. There were many pressures and uncertainty in the Kaz adoption and Tim finally said we need to end this, I don't want to travel over seas anymore. So reluctantly I stopped it. Then when we started Domestic adoption it seemed one thing after another got in the way and I knew I needed a rest but Tim was done altogether... I didn't want to say too much about it earlier for fear of sounding venomous or spiteful. I love my husband and respect and understand where he is coming from. I just wish he had never brought up the adoption in the first place. ... This might have been a journey I may not have taken. Yet agian, I have "met" some amazing blog friends along the way and fell in love with children I have only seen pictures of.

It can be rough when you don't understand why of it all? I know in my heart I would have been a great mother. I could have really made a difference... We would have been really involved parents.... I have been trying not to focus on the whys and why nots of it all. There is a reason and God willing I will find out one day. I have decided to get my butt in shape and when we do move and get settled I am going to volunteer and hopefully coach in the special Olympics. The Special Olympics have always held a special place in my heart. Tim and I have talked about it for years well its time to stop talking and start doing...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Time for a change

So sorry I haven't been writing lately. I have been wicked busy since getting home from Florida. I have power washed and stained the deck. Planted a bunch of flowers and mulched. The yard is looking beautiful. Stained the fence, the house is spotless and we finally cleaned the garage, that was a feat in itself...
Why you ask? We are ready to sell the house and move to Florida. We have wanted to be down there for years and have been thinking about it and talking about it forever, but we have just not been in a position to do it. We interviewed 3 real estate agents on Thursday and have picked one. She will be here tomorrow for us to sign a contract. Hopefully we will sell this house next weekend... tee hee hee... Please keep us in your prayers. I am so ready for a change.
God willing, will be moving to a town called Nokomis. It is right near Sarasota. We have even found the perfect neighborhood. Even better found the perfect home. If we sell our home quickly we wont miss out on that house. If we do miss out, thats okay, the right one will come about...